Congratulations to GEL lab postdoctoral researcher Dr Sania Shakoor, who received the Schizophrenia Bulletin best poster prize at the 4th Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference in Florence, Italy in April 2014. Her poster was entitled, ‘Association between stressful life events and psychotic experiences in adolescence: Evidence for gene-environment correlations’. Congratulations Sania!
Dr Angelica Ronald has been awarded the Association for Psychological Science’s 2014 Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions. This is awarded to promising scientists in recognition of their creative and innovative research. Dr Ronald received the award at the APS Convention in San Francisco in May 2014.
GEL lab PhD student Dominika Sieradzka, won best student poster prize at the annual conference of the Bloomsbury Centre for Genetic Epidemiology and Statistics (BCGES) in July 2014. Dominika’s poster was entitled ‘SNP heritability of adolescent psychotic experiences: Comparison of initial results using genome-wide versus pruned data’. Well done Dominika!