Recent findings from the GEL lab attracted media attention. They show a link between visual attention in newborn infants and later behaviour and temperament. A radio interview about the findings can be heard here (from minute 20.54) and links to some of the press are listed below.
Papageorgiou, K. A., Farroni, T., Johnson, M. H., Smith, T. J. and Ronald A. (2015). Individual differences in newborn visual attention associate with temperament and behavioral difficulties in later childhood. Scientific Reports, 5, 11264. doi: 10.1038/srep11264.
Find the reference pdf here
In June 2015 Dr Ronald gave a public lecture entitled “What is Autism Today?” at Enfield Thinks in Enfield, London. Enfield Thinks is a “pop-up learning shop” aiming to raise the profile of vocational qualifications, link qualifications to labour market demand and provide a platform to promote the uptake of STEM subjects. For more information, visit this link.